Thursday, June 18, 2009

Flight to Frankfurt

We flew Lufthansa. German safety instructions sound funny.

I watched the movie "He's Just Not That Into You". It was okay. My expectation was that it might have a couple good laughs and it would make me very glad I never have to date again. It did have some good moments and a couple well written scenes. At tiems, it made me jealous of the fun parts of dating. But, more than anything, it made me glad I'll never have to break up with anyone ever again. I'd forgotten how miserable that is for both parties. Yuck.

One critique: a character cheats on his wife, played by Jennifer Connelly. Even though he cheats with Scarlet Johansen, who's easy on the eyes, I can't accept that any man with any taste would cheat on Jennifer Connelly. Not buyin' it.

Backpack tore. After a year or two of use, it tore now. I was glad Mrs. Houser had a travel sowing kit. Of course, as soon as I started they brought dinner.

Salad with Italian dressing: fine.
Little block of Tillamook cheese: medium (unfortunately) but a nice little slice of home (pardon the pun).
Pasta: a violent crime against all things edible. A Class 1A food felony. Seek maximum penalty against the chef.
Dessert: A half a chocolate brownie anf a half a strawberry with whipped cream. Quite good. "Leave 'em wanting more," I suppose.

I sat next to Sara Guralnick and tried to figure out how to steal her dessert. She was watching "Pink Panther 2" on her personal movie player, so I figured she deserved to lose her dessert as punishment for her bad taste in movies. But then, I was about to watch "Transporter 3", so...

Most interesting part of dinner: metal spoon, metal knife, and... Metal spork! The tines were a bit longer than the plastic cafeteria variety, but a spork none-the-less. I'm not sure how I feel about it: Cool evolution of silverware or sign of the infantilizing of Western Civilization? Votes?

I expected it to be cold on the plane and warned the kids to wear layers. So far, both were sweltering.

"Transporter 3" is to cinema what airplane pasta is to food. I'm honestly not sure if the actress playing the damsel in distress is a very talented actress playing amd obnoxious character, or if they found some hot but repellent model and told her to just be herself. And yet, outside some fun fight scenes, she may be the film'a high point. It's that bad. Actual dialogue:
"Am I in heaven?"
"Looks more like hell."
"I don't care, as long as we're there together."
(Followed by the sound of a certain English teacher pretending to vomit.)

I really should have slept more on the way to Germany, but I could only snag an hour or two.

(We're in London as I type this, but I'll have to catch up with my notes tomorrow. It's after closing time at the pub with free Wifi. More to come.


  1. Spork????

    Live long and prosper, Grasshopper!


    Don't ya just love loooonnnnggggg travel days?

    Keep 'em coming!

    (BEAUTIFUL summer day here)


  2. Yahoo! Even a spork has a right to evolve.

    Thanks for the movie critique. Now we know what studios do with bad movies to make money. They sell them to airlines who have captive audiences.

    Keep the blogs coming!

    Don't do anything that will make international news! Ha ha

    Denise Chase

  3. Oh Gsell! Your food is too healthy and home cooked.
    A spork is that plastic spoon/fork that comes with junk food.

    Hey Ben! Please tell us of any observations or " stories" of traveler experiences that you think might be of interest to all. Observe respect, of course. In a sense, you're a team. We're following your individual and collective adventures.

    Bill M

  4. Don't let Sean have a bow and arrow or you may end up with the international incident that we were warned about.
